Pinello Elementary
PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Support. The core values of Pinello’s PBIS include:
- Using the acronym ROAR (Respectful, Organized, Always Safe, and Responsible) to teach and reinforce behavior and academic expectations in our school.
- Teachers will teach expectations at the beginning of the year and refresher sessions will be done at least twice a year but also as needed.
- See the ROAR matrix here.
- An acknowledgement system to recognize students who are demonstrating ROAR behaviors or going above and beyond expected behaviors.
- A building-wide discipline system that is developed and implemented to handle misbehavior and safety concerns. This includes classroom and office referrals.
- Collecting and reviewing school-wide PBIS data to determine areas that need to be retaught or tweaks that need to be made to the existing system based on the data.
PBIS at Pinello looks like:
- Students earning ROAR Tickets for showing positive behavior at school or on the bus
- Classes earning fun days for earning all the letters in PANTHERS for having perfect attendance for 8 total days
- Classes earning incentives for positive behavior in the classroom, hallway, specials, and with other teachers
- In the 2022-2023 school year, Pinello has given classrooms the opportunity to earn these rewards:
- Extra recess
- Glow stick party
- Popcorn party
- Flashlight reading party
- Pajama day
- Stuffed animal day