Pinello Elementary
- Kindergarten Renaissance Requirements
- First Grade Renaissance Requirements
- Second Grade Renaissance Requirements
- Third Grade Renaissance Requirements
- Fourth Grade Renaissance Requirements
- Fifth Grade Renaissance Requirements
Kindergarten Renaissance Requirements
2024-2025 Kindergarten Renaissance Requirements
If a student receives an office referral during a quarter, they are disqualified from earning any Renaissance cards.
1st Quarter
Behavior: Social Contract Behavior- 2 Points Possible
2 points- Demonstrates Social Contract Behavior Most of the Time
0 points - Does Not Demonstrate Social Contract Behavior Most of the Time
Academics Reading: Letters & Sounds- 2 Points Possible
1 Point-Recognizes all letters that have been taught (Capital and Lowercase)
1 Point- Recognizes all sounds that have been taught
Writing: Proper Line Placement- 2 Points Possible
2 points- Can form all letters that have been taught correctly
0 points- Can not form all letters that have been taught correctly
Math: Number Recognition to 10- 2 Points Possible
2 points- Can can recognize all numbers 1-10
0 points- Can not recognize all numbers 1-10
Report Card:
2 points- Has No Unsatisfactory scores on report card
0 Points- Has 1 or more unsatisfactory scores on report card
2nd-4th Quarters (Math/Writing Changes Each Quarter)
Behavior: 2 points possible
2 points- Demonstrates Social Contract Behavior Most of the Time
0 points - Does Not Demonstrate Social Contract Behavior Most of the Time
Academics Reading: Quarter High Frequency words- 2 points possible
2 Points- Advanced
1 Points- Proficient
0 Points- Partially Proficient & Unsatisfactory
Writing: Sentence Writing- 2 points possible
2 points- Write 1 complete sentence independently
0 points- Can not form all letters correctly
Math: Recognizing Numbers 1-20-2 points possible
2 points- Can can recognize all numbers 1-20
0 points- Can not recognize all numbers 1-20
Report Card:- 2 points possible
2 points- Has No Unsatisfactory scores on report card
0 Points- Has 1 or more unsatisfactory scores on report card
3rd Quarter
Math: Writing Numbers to 20
2 points- Can write to 20
0 points- Can’t write to 20
4th Quarter
Writing: Writes a complete sentence
2- Can write a complete sentence
1- Can not write a complete sentence
10-9 pts Panther
8 pts- Gold
7 pts- Blue
First Grade Renaissance Requirements
2024-2025 1st Grade Renaissance Requirements
If a student receives an office referral during a quarter, they are disqualified from earning any Renaissance cards.
Behavior: 2 points possible
2 points- No classroom referrals
1 point- 1 classroom referrals
0 points -2+ classroom referrals
Academics: 5 points possible
1 point - P or A on sight words
1 point - Math (see below)
1st quarter - +2 or better
2nd quarter - +5 or better
3rd quarter - Addition mastery
4th quarter - Subtraction -2
1 point -I Ready Reading
1st quarter - 25 lessons passed
2nd quarter - 50 lessons passed
3rd quarter - 75 lessons passed
4th quarter -100 lessons passed
1 point -I Ready Math
1st quarter - 25 lessons passed
2nd quarter - 50 lessons passed
3rd quarter - 75 lessons passed
4th quarter -100 lessons passed
1 point - Fluency
1st quarter - Nonsense Word Fluency: 10 whole words in a minute
2nd quarter - Nonsense Word Fluency: 20 whole words in a minute
3rd quarter - Reading 30 words per minute with 87% accuracy
4th quarter - Reading 47 words per minute with 91% accuracy
Absences: 1 point possible
1 point- having no more than 3 absences per quarter
Responsibility/Effort: 2 points possible
2 points: Brings B.E.E. Binder and shows effort daily
1 point: Brings B.E.E. Binder daily (forgets 2 or less times in a quarter) and shows minimal effort in class.
0 points: Consistently forgets B.E.E. Binder (forgets more than 2 times in a quarter) and shows no effort
Panther card = 10 points Gold Card = 8-9 points Blue Card = 7 points
Second Grade Renaissance Requirements
2024-2025 2nd Grade Renaissance Requirements
If a student receives an office referral during the quarter, they are disqualified from any Renaissance cards.
Attendance (2 points possible
3 or less absences - 1 point
3 or less tardies - 1 point
Behavior (2 points possible)
No classroom referrals - 2 points
1 classroom referral - 1 point
2+ classroom referrals - 0 points
Academics (6 points possible) {7 pts. possible first quarter only}
High Frequency Words - 2 points
P or A on high frequency words - 2 points
PP on high frequency words - 1 point
Math - 1 point (criteria below)
1st quarter - +3 or -3 or better
2nd quarter - improve by 2 levels in +/-
3rd quarter - improve by 2 levels in +/-
4th quarter - +6 or -6 or better (+ or - mixed facts mastery 1 bonus point)
Writing 1 point (criteria below)
Plan for writing
Capitals and punctuation
Proper spacing
Learned spelling patterns
High frequency words
Reading Fluency 2 pts. {3 pts. possible 1st quarter only} (criteria below)
1st quarter - NWF-WWR 13+ (1 pt.); DORF of 52 wpm/accuracy 90% (2 Pts.); 37-51 wpm/accuracy 81-89% (1 pt.)
2nd quarter - DORF of 72+ wpm/accuracy 96% (2 pts.); 55-71 wpm/accuracy 91-95% (1 pt.)
3rd quarter - DORF of 79+ wpm/accuracy 96% (2 pts.); 72-78 wpm/accuracy 93-96% (1 pt.)
4th quarter - DORF of 87+ wpm/accuracy 97%; 78-86 wpm/ accuracy 96-97% (1 pt)
Responsibility (3 points possible)
Brings homework folder/fully completes nightly homework every day -3 points
Brings homework folder/completes nightly homework at least 3 days a week during the quarter - 2 point
Only brings homework folder/completes homework ½ the time during the quarter - 1 point
Consistently forgets homework folder/nightly homework - 0 points
Panther card = 12+ points Gold card = 10-11 points Blue card = 7-9 points
Third Grade Renaissance Requirements
2024-2025 3rd Grade Renaissance Requirements
If a student receives an office referral during a quarter, they are disqualified from earning any Renaissance cards.
3 Points: P or A OR in all reading, writing, and math
2 Points: P or A in 2 of the 3 academic areas of reading, writing, and math and PP in the other one
1 Point P or A in 1 of the 3 academic areas of reading, writing, and math and PP in the other two
2 Points: Completes classwork everyday
1 Point: Completes classwork most days
0 points: classwork not completed most days
1 Point: Consistent ROAR behaviors/No more than 2 Class Referrals
1 Point: 3 or fewer absences
1 Point: 3 or fewer tardies
Panther: 8 points
Gold: 6-7 points
Blue: 5 points/Teacher Discretion
Fourth Grade Renaissance Requirements
2024-2025 4th Grade Renaissance Requirements
If a student receives an office referral during a quarter, they are disqualified from earning any Renaissance cards.
Attendance (Possible points 1):
1 Point: No more than 3 absences
Effort (Possible points 1):
1 Point: Shows effort in all subjects
Grades (Possible points 3):
3 points: All A's/exceeds individual academic goal
2 points: All A's & B's/meets individual academic goals
1 points: All A's, B's, and C's/working towards individual academic goal
Classwork (Possible points 2):
2 points: No more than 2 missing assignments
1 point: No more than 5 missing assignments
Behavior (Possible points 1):
1 point: No serious misbehavior at school or on the bus. Always respectful to teachers and others. Following social contract.
Classroom referrals result in 0 points for this section.
PANTHER = 8 points
GOLD = 7 points
BLUE = 6 points/Teacher Discretion
Fifth Grade Renaissance Requirements
2024-2025 5th Grade Renaissance Requirements
If a student receives an office referral during a quarter, they are disqualified from earning any Renaissance cards.
Attendance (Possible points 1):
1 Point: No more than 3 absences
Effort (Possible points 2):
1 Point: Shows effort in i-Ready Math
1 Point: Shows effort in i-Ready Reading
Grades (Possible points 3):
3 points: All A's/exceeds individual academic goal
2 points: All A's & B's/meets individual academic goals
1 points: All A's, B's, and C's/working towards individual academic goal
Classwork (Possible points 2):
2 points: No more than 2 missing assignments
1 point: No more than 5 missing assignments
Behavior (Possible points 1):
1 point: No serious misbehavior at school or on the bus. Always respectful to teachers and others. Following social contract.
Classroom referrals result in 0 points for this section.
PANTHER = 9 points
GOLD = 8 points
BLUE = 7 points/Teacher Discretion