Pinello Elementary
Program’s Vision & Mission
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
My mission is dedicated to the Academic, Social & Emotional and Physical Growth of every student through counseling services, consulting with parents and staff, and coordinating appropriate developmental lessons and programs for Pinello.
Services Offered!
- For Social & Emotional Needs:
- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Friendship Skills
- Grief/Loss
- Anger Control (and more)
- For Academic Needs:
- Classroom Guidance Lessons
- R.O.A.R Expectations
- Conflict Resolution
- Bullying (and more)
- For Career Needs:
- Career Lessons
- Career Day
Counseling Resources:
Kelso Choices! Students Can Solve Their Own Small Problems!
Say "Please stop"
Talk it out
Ignore it
Walk Away
Share and take turns
Wait and cool off